Party Management System
If the grip on the party's party is strong and the contact with the workers is stable then the path of winning in the elections is not only smooth, but it also makes it easy to reach the public, our system party members, workers' membership, It also gives points to the functionality so that you can easily identify party and self-employed workers easily, and in front of people in the party's division in front of people who are in touch with the public and are very active in the party.
Party Member
National Assembly Hierarchy Management.
Province Assembly Hierarchy Management.
Union Council Hierarchy Management.
Ward Hierarchy Management.
Block Hierarchy Management.
Area Hierarchy Management.
Street Hierarchy Management.
Polling station Management.
Members Map
Voter registration.
Detail information recording like
(Education and Skills).
Upcoming Voter registration.
Family wise management.
Cast management.
Area Hierarchy Management.
Party Wing/Committee
Party post and Hierarchy Management .
Party worker registration (member).
Allocation of member on Part post.
Allocation of member on Management .
Membership fee and membership expiry .
Point scoring on (attendance in Party event ,
points on task completion in E&C Module) .
Complain recording via SMS .
Complain recording via Web Portal .
Complain recording via Email.
Complain recording via Mobile .
Complain recording via Social Media .
Complain recording via Letter.
Complain ticketing System .
Complain assignment and follow-up .
Campaigning management .
Campaigning schedule and task .
Task management
Group Task Management .
Committee Task Management .
Calendar Management .
Visit Management .
Union Council visit Plan.
Campaign task assignment to part member.
Member Designation
SMS for general public service messages .
SMS to worker for Party related updates .
SMS to management Committee.
SMS for meeting reminder .
Knowledge base emails. .
Email base news letter .
Campaigning SMS.
Jobs alerts SMS .
Organizational Chart
System base Election Management .
Research base Election Management .
Local Issues based speeches .
Resources Planning & budget .
Polling station duties .
Polling agent training.
Vehicle Management.
Voter Slip.
Member Data Export
Short listing Candidate on basis of
voter information Detail module.
Employer management with
employer login .
Employer job posting.
Candidate Login .
Job Posting.
Card Print
Campaigning management .
Campaigning schedule and task .
Task management
Group Task Management .
Committee Task Management .
Calendar Management .
Visit Management .
Union Council visit Plan.
Campaign task assignment to part member.
History Type
SMS for general public service messages .
SMS to worker for Party related updates .
SMS to management Committee.
SMS for meeting reminder .
Knowledge base emails. .
Email base news letter .
Campaigning SMS.
Jobs alerts SMS .
History Type Detail
System base Election Management .
Research base Election Management .
Local Issues based speeches .
Resources Planning & budget .
Polling station duties .
Polling agent training.
Vehicle Management.
Voter Slip.