+92 213 4325656 4325657
  • Worker Attendance on party Event

    Worker Attendance on party Event.

  • Member Attendance in meeting and event

    Member Attendance in meeting and event.

  • Worker Attendance points

    Worker Attendance points.

  • Member Attendance points

    Member Attendance points.

Attendance System

Attendance in your programs is exactly what your success is called, keeping in view of this point, our system has developed workers and members' attendance systems separately so that you are from every meeting and the actual number of attendees Not only do I know but will strategically set strategy in the area and be aware of active workers and members.


Worker Atte on party Event

Worker Atte on party Event

National Assembly Hierarchy Management
Province Assembly Hierarchy Management.
Union Council Hierarchy Management.
Ward Hierarchy Management.
Block Hierarchy Management.
Area Hierarchy Management.
Street Hierarchy Management.
Polling station Management.

Member Atte in meeting and event

Member Atte in meeting and event

Voter registration.
Detail information recording like
(Education and Skills).
Upcoming Voter registration.
Family wise management.
Cast management.
Area Hierarchy Management.


Worker Atte points

Worker Atte points

Party post and Hierarchy Management .
Party worker registration (member).
Allocation of member on Part post.
Allocation of member on Management .
Membership fee and membership expiry .
Point scoring on (attendance in Party event ,
points on task completion in E&C Module) .


Member Atten points

Member Atte points

Complain recording via SMS .
Complain recording via Web Portal .
Complain recording via Email.
Complain recording via Mobile .
Complain recording via Social Media .
Complain recording via Letter.
Complain ticketing System .
Complain assignment and follow-up .